About (old)

Daniel Dopler

“Wine improves with age. The older I get, the better I like it.”

Hey, I’m Danny and welcome to one of my experiments. I am a 15 year military service member who is starting to look at life after my military service. I have seen many friends and colleagues move on from their military service, while some have thrived, others have struggled. One thing I have consistently heard is that it is never to early to have a game plan for when you leave. 

I plan to use this blog to share my process and hopefully assist you through the ideas, information and knowledge I gain in the process. The intent is to do this through practical or actionable tasks and habits, to create systems as well as sharing the psychological aspects that are often forgotten or not mentioned. During this journey I invite your incites, ideas and wisdom as we look for the answers to every retiring 40 year old military dude ponders.

Do I Start a Business? How the hell do I do that?

What options do I have with my experience? How do I properly reflect on a resume and an interview?

Can I live off my retirement and part time pay as a Walmart Greeter?

Do I need to be a Lean 6 Sigma, Agile, SCRUM, Project Management Professional, Master Training Specialist Black Belt to get a job in this market?

Who am I when I am no longer a Service Member?

What Do I want to do when I grow up?

Do I go back to School? Do I want to be the old man in that back of the class?

Whats your WordPress? About 225 maybe 250?

Do TPS reports really exist?

What is the Future I most desire? How can I create that future?

Do I want to do something similar? Or do I want to completely change career fields?

I will do all this through my last work up and deployment, occasionally disliking the process and requirements, but made easier to deal with while enjoying some complex and sophisticated red wines.  If you are interested in watching this train wreck unfold sign up below for a weekly email.